Friday, September 2, 2011

Has anyone seen Ponzi?

Tell us your plan to destroy Marge.

It's simple really. I know how she thinks and I know her weakness. I shall employ it against her and we shall be able to destroy her.

I thought she could only be destroyed by a rock slide.

Indeed. And how did that work out for you in Japan and again in Turkey?

I thought it was Hungary.

So what is this weakness?

That, sir, is proprietary information.

Speakin' a hungry, could I have some more a them french fried potaters?

You're eatin them all! Damn, Karl! ... And don't think I'm gonna forget how you killed me with that damn machete.

Mmmm. I call it a sling blade.

So you're not a ghost anymore?

Hell, no. Jesus sent me back to Parallel Time to help get Marge ... after damn Newman here got me kicked outta heaven. ... How come you aren't a ghost anymore?

Hmmm. I forget. It had something to do with a polar bear rug and a secret room.


I could probably just destroy Marge myself with my Godly powers.

Parlor tricks, you mean.

Hey, where's Ponzi? Has anybody seen Ponzi?

That damn Marge look-alike probably ate him!

Excuse me?

If anybody ate him it was Andrew.


You and your TV chef friends tried to eat him once already!

He did steal my life savings. He deserved it.

He ate your life savings. Ponzi doesn't steal. He's a good dog.

Oh, the dog? He was sniffing around near the front door, so I let him out.

In the Antarctic? Idiot! Ponzi, where are you? Come back!

Maybe you could use your Godly powers to find him?

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