Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Damn, your show sucks

This must be the place.

It says so there in the air.

How do you do that?

I'm Lord Newman, that's how. ... How is it the Player has a show on the TV Chef Network?

He's been staying over there since we washed up here in Parallel Time. They figured they might as well give him a show. They gave everybody else one.

Shhh. I think they're taping.

Hi everybody. I'm The Player from Non-Parallel Time and welcome to my damn show, "The Un-Paralleled Player." I thought up that damn damn name myself. My guest today is The Player from Parallel Time. My first question: Damn, you're green.

Damn right I'm green. Don't I get some damn cup of coffee or something?

Damn, you drink coffee? You call yourself an athlete? The Player doesn't drink any damn coffee.

Then howbout some damn water?

You can get your own damn water with all the damn money you make. What do I look like, some kinda damn waterboy?

Damn, your show sucks.

My damn show is 10 times better than your damn show.

I get paid for this, right? Where's my damn money?

Where's your damn money? Where's my damn money? You don't get paid till you answer my damn questions about nutrition. What kind stuff do you eat?

I drink some damn protein shakes and I eat some damn protein bars.

What else?

I'd drink some damn water if you weren't too damn cheap to give me some.

Damn! ... Well, that's all the damn time we got, folks. Tune in next week when I'll be talkin to somebody damn else. ... Now get the hell off my set.

As soon as I get my damn money.

Hmm. That was better than I expected.

1 comment:

Chris Casey said...

You never disappoint. But I would point out that my blog is the number one rated blog of blogs by people who Lehigh County Coroner Scott Grim may someday identify by his dental records.